Dan Brown


Bored in Denver?
Project-1:Bored in Denver

We learned git branching for this assignment, and version control was difficult. I programmed the majority of the JavaScript for the assignment.

Website: Bored in Denver GitHub: Repository
Project-2:Tabletop Tap

A web application for a local bar, which allows the owner to update the html by submitting a form, which updates the database.

Website: Tabletop Tap GitHub: Repository
Daily Planner
Homework-5: Daily Planner

This web application allows the user to visually see how many hours are left and plan what to do with their time.

Website: Daily Planner GitHub: Repository
Homework-6:Weather Forecast

A web application that gives the current weather and forecast for a searched location. Local storage keeps previously searched cities for quick access.

Website: Weather Forecast GitHub: Repository
Employee Summary
Homework-10: Employee Summary

This is a node application, so there is no front end. The user can manipulate employees, roles, and departments at a mock company.

GitHub: Repository
Homework-13: Employee Summary

This is one of the first fullstack websites I developed. Followed an MVC that was provided by the class, and made all the connections work.

Website: Burgers GitHub: Repository